May 20, 2010

Cabal Online 2: The Fate of Rivals

ESTsoft's second self-developed MMORPG Cabal Online 2: The Fate of Rivals (working title), sequel to the famous project Cabal Online, is being developed under four principles including popularity, abundance, quality and uniqueness. ESTsoft is trying to seek harmony between solo play and teamwork in the game. In addition, they will provide changeable dungeons and unique storylines for each class.

Cabal Online 2: The Fate of Rivals is scheduled to meet players in Q4, 2010.

Credits: MMOSite

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  1. dude thanks for the blog :) i just found out it isn't a rumour :) i so jealous that the koreans are playing cabal online 2 right now >.< but i still be playing cabal online 2. i just wanted to know if you could tell me the release date for cabal online 2 or at least a rough estimate on when you think its gonna be released. thanky you :) nice blog btw :)

  2. btw i forgot to mention. my name is Hedi :)

  3. It definitely isn't a rumor. ESTsoft already showcased it in the last G-Star.

    Please read this:

    Based on the video they showed for the event, the game could be released around late 2012 or early 2013.

    I'm also excited for the game so I'd keep updating this blog about Cabal 2. Thanks for reading!

  4. i wanna now the release date or some information when it comes out

  5. I'll definitely post it as soon as they announce it.
