October 3, 2012

CBT Registration: Marvel Heroes Online

Are you a big Marvel fan? Well here's your chance to be part of the elite beta testers of their much awaited game! Marvel Heroes just recently posted in their community blog that they will soon be opening their closed beta (CBT) registration, so the few lucky ones would get to earn bragging rights in playing the game before the rest of the world.

Just a reminder though, the developers not only want the CBT players to enjoy the game, but they should take part in helping to make the game better through dedicated testing and providing constructive feedback. So don't cuss yet if you encounter bugs, it'll be your role as a beta tester to report this to the developer so they can fix it before the actual launch.

How to register?
Step 1: Register an account here
Step 2: Fill out the survey
Step 3: The waiting game!

There's no deadline yet as to when the registration would end, so might as well sign up and try your luck to be in the exclusive circle! Want to know more? Check out their blog post by following this link :)

Credits: MMOSite

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