This is taken from GM Viral's Developer's Notes as posted on the Cabal Online Blog of Cabal EU.
These are minor changes that will make a big, but good, difference in the world of Cabal.
The first one is the simple addition of giving you the option to enable and disable the auto-attack function by simply pressing ‘ctrl+A’. There is a system message that pops up.

The blur is just there to highlight the important parts, nothing more
There is no other indication as to what the status of the auto-attack function is, so you cannot see if it is on or off, but at the same time playing on a Blader, Force Blader or Force Archer, it makes a pleasant change from going into the Options Menu to set auto-attack On or Off every time you want to change. If you have never played one of these three classes you might not understand what the big deal is, but anyone who likes using the second Battle Mode should be happy enough by this admittedly minor change.
Mission War Rewards
From the patch notes:
1. Added item - Buff Capsule Cube
A. Gain items – ‘Hardness Capsule (LV 1)’ ~ ‘Hardness Capsule (LV 8)’ by mouse right clicking buff capsule
B. Item property: able to sell NPC shop / unable to do personal trade
A. Change
- Reward 1 Buff Capsule Cube to each character which scored 30 and above by the end of mission war
(1) Reward 1 Buff Capsule Cube(Low) to level 52 ~ 94 characters
(2) Reward 1 Buff Capsule Cube(Medium) to level 95 ~ 149 characters
(3) Reward 1 Buff Capsule Cube(High) to level 150 ~ 170 characters
- Reward winning nation for war cost and winning share by Alz
You get a Buff Capsule Cube at the end of the Mission War. In this cube you get a potion, which can be used like any other potion – you right click on it to activate, then you get some added defense for 180 seconds. These potions cannot be dropped, and cannot be traded. However, using them might be the last thing you want to do.

Buff Capsule Selling Price:
Level 52-94
Potion (low) – 100 000 (one hundred thousand)
Potion (medium) - 1 000 000 (one million)
Potion (high) – 10 000 000 (ten million)
Level 95-149
Potion (low) – 300 000 (three hundred thousand)
Potion (medium) – 500 000 (five hundred thousand)
Potion (high) – 5 000 000 (five million)
Potion (excellent) – 50 000 000 (fifty million)
Level 150-170
Potion (low) – 500 000 (five hundred thousand)
Potion (medium) – 1 000 000 (one million)
Potion (high) – 10 000 000 (ten million)
Potion (excellent) – 100 000 000 (one hundred million)
Those figures are the prices that the NPC will give for those potions, should you choose to sell them for some reason. Of course, before the inevitable flood of cries in the line of ‘That’s not fair! Great, more money to those with luck! Etc, etc.’ we should consider the following. Firstly, GM Viral is going to go out on a limb and suggest that the highest level potions will be much rarer than the more common ones (call it an educated guess, made by looking at the information we received), and secondly due to the current deflation any surge of money coming into the system will be a good thing. Sure, it might not be you getting that 100 million, but 100 million more into the system might just mean that you manage to sell some of your own items.
Now for something a bit more interesting, at least to those who use costumes as well as weapons skins. This screenshot was taken immediately after logging in.

The outlined costume and weapon skin were both applied at the same time, on login. Unfortunately this character is a Shielder, so it seems only one costume and one skin gets applied – going by the same rule as we already got used to, the first one in the inventory. So, Force Shielders and Force Bladers wanting to use a skin for both Blade/Katana and Orb/Crystal will still have to manually activate one of the two. This is another small change, just like the one giving you the option to enable/disable the auto-attack function merely by pressing Ctrl+A – and yet it is a very good one.
Another very minor change is that the honour points you gain from mobs are now displayed at once. In the past if you killed two mobs at once on a war map you would see the status message ‘…increased by 2’ (or however much you receive for one kill) repeated twice, whereas after this update you will see only one message if you have two kills with one skill. So, from ‘…increased by 2’ repeated twice you will now see ‘…increased by 4’ only once.
Security System
The short version:
--You will be able to set a password (4-digit number) on your character selection screen, inventory and warehouse.
--You will be able to assign this number yourself
--You will be able to assign an answer to one of a set of pre-defined questions, in order to help you recover the password should you forget it. The questions are pre-defined, and you can type the answer with the normal keyboard.
--Setting these passwords is optional. You do not have to apply them if you don't want to.
What is good is that you can set different passwords for every instance – you can have a different password for your Equipment and your Warehouse. And, it must be noted, the Inventory password might as well be called the equipment password, since once you have locked it you can still move items out of your inventory – only items that are equipped on your character cannot be accessed in any way.
The password for the warehouse is simpler – if it is locked you can see everything in the warehouse, but you cannot move any items in or out of it – it is very much like a real-life lock.
If you do lock your warehouse/equipment they will remain locked until you enter the 4-digit number to unlock them. The passwords will also be the same for all characters on the account, so you only have to set it on one character to have it applied to all.
Now, let’s take a quick look at what will probably prove to be the more controversial lock: the one on your character selection screen. From the patch notes:
Sub Password Mechanics
--When logged in with the same IP as before during the configured time frame, the password check will not appear.
--Sub Password check will appear when logged in with different IP during configured time frame.
--Checks Sub Password if configured time is passed regardless of login IP.
This check is only valid on the character screen (we have yet to confirm the IP check on the warehouse/equipment locks) but what this means is as you enter the password – if you have set one, of course, you do not have to set a password if you do not want to – you get to choose a timeframe, either one, two or three hours. If you then relog during this time you will not have to enter the password again if you login with the same IP number as before. If you set the password time for 3 hours, and log out, and then log in again 5 hours later you will have to enter the password again, regardless of the IP associated with the login.
Think of this as a key to a house. You already have a lock on the door – your first password. Now you have another lock installed on that door as well, but it is up to you if you want to use it or not. No one will force you to use the second lock, even though turning the key to open it only takes a second or two of your time, and it will lock by itself. It just gives you that added bit of security, so even if someone gains access to your account they cannot login to the game with your characters, and then even if they do manage to login they will be unable to access your warehouse or the equipment that you are wearing at the time.
GM Viral has tried it during all the time that he has been testing the new update, and stresses that it really takes very little time to set up the password, and entering it every time takes a second or two. Added security is a good thing, and not as inconvenient as it might seem at first glance.
Credits: PM Jay of Cabal Online PH for the banner and GM Viral of Cabal Online Forum EU for the images and articles.
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