What’s inside this update?
- Battle Mode 3 : The Ultimate Power has been RELEASED
- DX Dungeon : Merchants’ Submarine Valley : Face with the Ancient Bosses and earn the MOST powerful items
- New Items : Rings & Quest Capsules, brand new world for exploring
- Achievement System : What have you done in CABAL? Yes, we know it and let’s spread the WORLD!
- Appearance Changes and Convenience Systems : Cabal becomes more and more easily to PLAY and ENJOY!
Details Patch Notes
1. Fixed the bug for sub-epic items in Marquinas Outpost, dropped with “character-binding-after-equip” property2. Drop rate of some monsters have been set incorrectly, bug is fixed
3. Bug related to tooltips
4. Magic Skill EXP in the WEXP exchange window displayed abnormally
5. The number/grade of Bike Option Scroll displayed abnormally in confirmation window while trying to extract Astral Bike – RW3
6. Bugs of Quest “Land of Undead”
7. Bugs related to Gates in Quest Dungeon
8. Bugs related to the History list of Guild Warehouse while using mouse wheel button
9. Bugs related to the Skill Book purchasing confirmation window
1. Raise the amount of Critical Rate limitation can be acquired from Rings
- Old : 30%
- New : 32%
2. Extraction System Change
i) Change the way of extraction progress
- Old : Need Transmuter to extract items
- New : Can extract items without Transmuter
- Add extract icon in Inventory
- On the left side of Upgrade icon (bottom-left of inventory window)
- When click the icon : Extraction mode will be activated, player can extract items in this mode
- Press ESC or click the icon again : Extraction mode will be deactivated
- In Extraction mode, items which cannot be extracted will be displayed with red background
- Add extract icon in Inventory
ii) Change the rule of extracting weapons / armors
- By extracting items, player can get the scroll same at the property of item
- By upgrading the items, player can get better extracting result
- Change the way of producing option scroll via extracting item
- Upgraded item up to +6: Gives the chance to obtain option scrolls (not 100%)
- Upgraded item from +7 and above: Gives 100% chance to obtain option scrolls
- Upgraded item from +7 and above with Sword Skill Amp / Magic Skill Amp : Gives the low chance to get Amp option scrolls
- Upgraded item from +13 and above: Gives Perfect core with the same grade of item
- Upgraded item from +13 to +14: Gives chance to get a Perfect Core with the same grade of item
- Upgraded item at +15 : Gives 100% chance to get a Perfect Core with the same grade of item
3. Changes related to DP cube
- Change the requirement of buying DP cubes from NPC
- Raise the reward of Soul Cubes (amount of AXP raises)
- Add the “Cube of Fame” for gaining Honor from DP
- Cube of Fame gives different reward, based on the current honor class of character, player can buy different grades of cube
4. Changes related to some quests
- In some scenario, general quests and dungeon quests the experience reward will be removed
- ‘Hidden helper T’ chain-quest deletion
- Plate of Honor and Plate of Soul will stop to drop
- These plates will not be deleted, they will still be remained in the system
5. Remove the Map/Warp Code buying fee
- Map/Warp code will be automatically given when the character meets the requirements
- When the character reaches a certain level, if it’s possible to enter new field, the Map/Warp code of that field will be given automatically
- When level up, player can check for information about Map/Warp code acquisition by clicking “Level Up” icon
- Here is the list of them
6. Change related to Chaos Lamp
i) the existing chaos lamp
- Delete old Chaos Lamp
- Old Chaos Lamp won’t be dropped anymore in the game.
- Old lamps will be maintained in Inventory/Warehouse/Auction House/Guild Warehouse.
ii) Add new Chaos Lamps
- Key item is needed for opening new Chaos Lamp
- To open the new chaos lamp, owner needs key in inventory
- Key item can be bought from NPC Grocer in Towns
- Price : 200,000 Alz ea
- Grades of Lamp : Low / Medium / High / Highest
- Depends on the grade of Lamp, the owner needs specified quantity and combination of Key items
7. Auction House Category Change
8. Improve the Buddy & Guild window
i) Add character note
- Add a note to introduce your character
- Information note of your character will be displayed at the top area of Buddy Window with a button on the right which will let you edit character note
- On click on “Edit” from the menu, the character note can be changed
- Allow checking friends’ notes by moving mouse on their names in Buddy / Guild window
- Character name / Nation / Current location / Character note
ii) Display people within the group
- Buddy / Guild window display full list of member in each group
iii) Allow adding note for character in block list
- Allow adding note for character in block list by using “Edit Comment” from the menu
- Allow checking blocked characters’ notes by moving mouse on their names in block list
9. Icon of Weapons / Armor Option Scroll changes, based on the grade
10. Improve the ability to click / attack / talk with some objects/NPCs in-game
- NPCs for quests in Forbidden Island
- Object for finishing dungeon of Altar Siena B2F
- Cannons in front of Force Archer boss
- Broken Mirrors / Fire place in Illusion Castle Radiant Hall
- Illusion Castle / Saints’ Island entrance
11. UI changes related to Skill Book Purchasing
- Upgrade Skill with the same grade as character will be opened automatically when accessing the Upgrade section
- Display a list of skills for beginners when clicking the right button on Transcender Skills page
12. Change the starting point of Tower of the Dead B1F to safe zone.
13. Cash shop items changes
- Oath of Sacrifice / Protection can be registered in Auction Hall in Functional Items > Special Items > Oath of Sacrifice / Protection
1. Battle Mode 3
i) Acquisition
- To obtain Battle Mode 3, player must obtain 31 Quest Capsules to get the necessary material for crafting the Battle Mode 3 Skill Book
- Quest capsule related to Battle Mode 3 : “Morning Star Skill” can be obtained from Lake Side – Porta Inferno
- Each capsule (31 in total) has 2 parts: Field and Dungeon, when complete, player will be rewared “Stein Clone”
- Stein Clone is the material for crafting Battle Mode 3 Skill Book (Stein Clone is character binding and drop not allowed)
ii) Crafting
- Stain Clones can be obtained only from Quest but other materials / Formula Card can be bought directly from NPC Shop in Port Lux
- There are 3 steps for crafting Battle Mode 3 Skill Book
- Step 1 : BM3 Activate Skill and First BM3 Skill (Skill A)
- Step 2 : Second BM3 Skill (Skill B)
- Step 3 : Third BM3 Skill (Special Moves)
- Crafting Battle Mode 3 Skill Book
- The chance of success for crafting is 100%
iii) Battle Mode 3 bonus option details
- Player can activate the BM3 Skill, if player
- Has the Character at 130 Level or more
- Completed “Morning Star Skill” Introducing Quest
- Finished crafting and learning new Battle Mode 3 Skill Books
iv) How to use
- Basically for every battle style, player has many-steps-for-every-cycle which need to be cast of casting skills in Battle Mode 3
- 1st and 2nd skill are easy to notice by different name and they must be activated as 1st and 2nd step in BM3 skill-cycle, 3rd skill can be re-cast in the BM3-Skill-cycle
- Battle Mode 3 consumes the same amount of SP and has the same duration/cool time/ability to stack with Aura like Battle Mode 2
- Skills have 2 seconds of cool time
- By using 1st and 2nd skill in special order, 3rd skill will be activated and can be cast (watch the video for more information)
- Skill can be used like the way of Combo skill but without “Combo Bar” (aka Combo UI)
- By using 1st and 2nd skill in special order, the synergy effect will be appeared
v) Synergy
- By using basic 1st Skill and 2nd Skill in a specific combination will trigger the Synergy Effect, then player can use 3rd Skill (Special Move)
- Synergy Effect will affect on all 3rd Skill (Special Move) for 8 seconds
- Positive Synergy Effects can be stacked up to 3, Negative Synergy Effect can be stacked up to 6
- If player keeps using the same Synergy Effect, bonus will be applied for as Damage Amplification by 1.5 or 2.0 times
2. Introducing quest for new Battle Mode 3
- Quest name: Morning Star’s Heritage
- Quest Type: Scenario Quest
- Requirement: Lv.130+ / BSLv.14+
- NPC: Officer Morrison – Port Lux
- Quest reward: Morning Star Skill 1/2/3 Slot
3. New skill of Battle Mode 3
- Special Skill of Battle Mode 3
- Battle Mode 3 : Activate skill
- Basic Attack A : First skill
- Basic Attack B : Second skill
- Step 1 Skill : Third skill (Special Moves)
- Step 2 Skill : Third skill (Special Moves)
- Step 3 Skill : Third skill (Special Moves)
4. New DX Dungeon Merchants’ Submarine Valley
- Dungeon Entrance : Undersea Valley Traders
- Required level: 155 level or higher (Class Level 11 and above)
- Entry item:
- “Hatching Egg” is sold in NPC Grocer – Libert in Green Despair for 2,800,000 Alz
- Entry item does not drop in the game (can be bought only from NPC)
- Entry point: X:23, Y:248 – Green Despair
- Difficulty: Easy / Normal / Hard
- Time: 20 minutes
- Base on the difficulty, the special drop changes:
- Easy:
- Redosmium/Topaz Weapon
- Epaulet +7
- Ring of Luck +3
- Critical Ring +3
- Medium:
- SIG-Metal Weapon
- SIG-Metal Epaulet
- Ring of Luck +3
- Critical Ring +3
- Hard:
- Mithril Weapon
- Epaulet +8
- Ring of Luck +3
- Critical Ring +3
- Easy:
5. New DX dungeon introducing quest “Merchants’ Submarine Valley”
- Quest name: The Tragedy of Heaven
- Required Level: 155 Level
- Acquired NPC: Henderson – Green Despair
- Complete Reward: Merchants’ Submarine Valley entry item “Hatching Egg”
- The reward is character binding item
6. Add new Rings : Ring of Luck +3 / Critical Ring +3
- Requirement : Level 150 or more
- Drop in : New DX Dungeon : Merchants’ Submarine Valley
- Options :
- Ring of Luck +3 : Critical Rate +17%
- Critical Ring +3 : Critical Damage +17%
7. Killian’s Ring
i) Required: 105 level or higher
ii) Option:
- Critical Rate +16%
- Critical Damage +3%
- Attack +5
- Magic Attack +5
- HP +15
iii) Acquisition-related quest: The power of the Killian’s Sealed Ring
- Obtained Level: 105 Level
- NPC: Core Alchemist Keller – Bloody Ice
- Quest:
- Quest item can be obtained by killing last Kilian Grausten in Frozen Tower of Dead B2F
- Quest Item: Kilian’s cells (character binding)
- Quest cannot be repeatedly accepted and completed
iv) Ring of Kilian Crafting Process
- Materials:
- The Mergaheph’s Ring
- Killian’s cells (Drop in Frozen Tower of Undead B2F)
- Black Cat’s Tears
- Black Cat’s Tears: Core Alchemist Keller in Bloody Ice sells for 50,000,000 Alz
- Crafting success: 100%
8. Add “Appearance Change” System
- The “Appearance Change” system allows player changing the appearance of their items
- Via the Core Alchemist in each town, they can change and restore the appearance of items
- Items required for changing appearance:
- Target item : The item player wants to change the appearance
- Materials: The item player want to change the appearance to and Alz
- Duration: The appearance of items can be changed with duration: 1 day / 3 days / 7 days
- Appearance changing can be done only between same kind of items
- Ex) Greatsword and Daikatana can be switched the appearance (both of them are two-handed sword)
- Items which are under the duration of appearance changing are character binding as long as the duration still be active
- When the duration of appearance changing expires, item will be changed back to its original appearance and remove the character binding status (which caused by changing the appearance)
- Ex) An account binding Greatsword has been changed into Daikatana in 3 days. So in that 3 days, that “Daikatana” will be character binding. But when the 3 days passes, the old binding-status of item will be restored. Means the “Greatsword” will be back to account binding.
- When the duration of appearance changing expires, item will be changed back to its original appearance and remove the character binding status (which caused by changing the appearance)
9. Add the Quest capsule system
- Monsters will drop new obtainable item kind : Quest Capsule
- Certain monsters will drop Quest Capsule item
- When player uses the Quest Capsule, the quest will be accepted can be proceeded directly
- Add the “Quest Capsule” category into Auction Hall
- Some daily quests will reward Quest Capsules as the compensation
10. Achievement System and Title
i) Achievement System
- To make player’s achievements in game more meaningful, the system gives reward for every achievement which is gained / reached
- Achievement will give the bonus like Title
- The cumulative achievement over achievement will be ranked like the Title system
- Depending on the number of accomplishments, achievement can have multi-level
- Some special Achievements can be linked into chat window
- Classification: Achievements are classified in many categories
ii) Nominal
- Show the details of Title from which Achievement, which it gives, next level information,…
11. Add new mercenaries
- Some Monster Mecenary Cards can be obtained from Legendary Boxes in dungeons
12. Transcender Attack skill are sold in NPC
- Instructor in every town will sell the Transcender Attack Skill books which used to be obtained only from Porta Inferno
- Other Transcender Skill books will be sold at the same price
13. Additional convenient features
i) Allow doing mass-storing in the Warehouse
ii) Add the [Close] button in Write Mail / Reply Mail window
iii) Change the way of displaying slots and slot options of items
- While searching for items in Auction Hall, the number of slots and slot options will be displayed on the right
iv) Improved target selection bar
- When selecting another character in war zone, the Battle style icon and HP will be displayed
- Grade of monsters will be displayed (normal / named / dungeon boss)
- If the monster is event monster, the name will be displayed in light-blue and the event grade icon
v) The transparency of chat window can be adjusted
- Transparency level can be adjusted via option window
vi) Allow enabling/disabling the display of friends/guild members logging in/logging out message
vii) Add the refresh button in Cash Inventory
viii) The summary of Quest window will change the color
ix) Equipment Comparison Functionality
- Move the mouse on the item in inventory then press the Shift key, then move to the item which player needs to compare
- Can compare more than 2 items by keep pressing Shift
14. Add pet-related confirmation message
- Confirmation message will be appeared when player tries to use pet sleeping kit, pet safety kit, pet training kit
- Confirmation will be appeared when player tries to unseal a sealed pet
15. Add a message to the equipment locking system
- When you click the lock button, the locking-mode will be activated
- When you click the lock button again, the locking-mode will be deactivated, a message will be display “Equipment Lock has been completed”
Dec 08th 2012 Patch notes
■ Fixes
1. Maximum number of registerable slot in Auction Hall reduced to 10 by mistake, bug is fixed
2. Fixed some bugs related to Achievement and Title
3. Bug caused by wearing Charisma Panda Epaulet
4. In specific situation, the suit which is the result of Appearance Changing becomes transparent
5. Bugs related to Warrior’s Battle Mode 2
6. Bug caused when trying to obtaining Warp/Map codes
7. Bug related to the Sub-Password system
■ Changes
1. Reduce the number of Stain Clone required for crafting Battle Mode 3
- Step 1: 120 => 30
- Step 2: 180 => 40
- Step 3: 240 => 50
3. Change the alignment of group lines in Buddy and Guild window
4. Delete ‘Hidden Helper T is watching’ achievement
■ Mission Wars
1. In the summary screen of Mission War, the number of Kill / Death display abnormally, bug is fixed
Dec 09th 2012 Patch notes
■ Fixes
1. Bug with guild loading while logging in Trade Channel
2. “Enable Buddy / Guild connectivity status message” option could not be restored to the saved value
3. Achievement list returns empty values, in some situations
5. Name / information in the tooltips of summoned mercenaries display incorrectly
6. Tooltip of the Saint’s Forcecalibur Buff duration displays abnormally
■ Changes
1. Required level for some Daily quests has been revised
2. Add the alert for abandoning Quest which is obtained from the Quest Capsule
Dec 14th 2012 Patch notes
Public Server
■ Fixes
1. Rebuff sometimes bugged when the duration of Buff is running out
2. Under certain situations, Mercenaries could not attack the last Boss Nuale in Panic Cave
3. Battle Mode 3 Error Correction
- Force Blader Battle Mode Step 3 Skill Book manufacturing produced unusual items
- Battle Mode 3 Warrior Skill Name Skill in tooltip displayed incorrectly
- When clearing a dungeon, Achievement did not increase the amount of finished
- Some bonuses which are displayed in the description but do not apply in real
- Guild related Title / Achievement are bugged when joining / leaving a guild
- Under certain situations, the title / achievement display abnormally HP Auto Heal
6. Attack patterns of monsters in Porta Inferno are abnormal
8. The price of Oath of Sacrifice and Oath of Protection do not display in the Auction Hall
■ Changes
1. Field / dungeon changes
- Change related to Merchants’ Submarine Valley DX Dungeon
- Boss in the dungeon now has the ability to debuff Attack Down (in all difficulties)
- Boss in Easy, Normal difficulty lower the damage
- Change Porta Inferno
- Increase the level and change the position of some monsters
- Raise the EXP of some monsters
- Adjust the Attack range of some monsters
- Change the spawn location of Dark Kimzark
- From Lakeside to Porta Inferno change the respawning time of monsters (faster)
- Change the icon grade of “Flame Emperor Zombie” in “Tower of the Dead B2F”
- General => Boss
- Level 180 Battle Style level up quest compensation changes
- Compensate additional 8,000,000 EXP
- Changing the start NPC of quests
- Quest:
- Beginner Warrior support (Weakened the Tower of the Dead B1F)
- Mission: The Tower of the Dead B1F weakened
- Change the NPC:
- Officer Henkoff => Officer Morrison
- Quest:
- Some minor quest adjustments
- In the Achievements tab, the message changes, based on the state of title
- Using Title: Applied Title
- Other Title: Title
- Allow comparing between title by moving the mouse on the image (▶)
- ‘Kilian’s tissue cells’ item can be registered in Auction Hall
- Change the sort order of Weapons / Armor categories
- Current: Based on Battle Style
- Change: Based on Grade
6. Allow pressing ‘N’ to close the Cash Tab Page in NPC shop
7. Changes related to the item comparison
■ Additions
1. Add the Christmas trees and statue Villages
Test Server
■ Changes
1. The character level cap raised to 190-level change2. Additional 190-level battle style upgrade quest
3. By reaching level 190, a new title will be obtained
- “Nevareth Frontier”
5. Premium Wing / Blessing Bead EXP raise the level limitation to level 190
6. Battle Mode 3 changes
- Basic / Special Skill raise the amplification and addition damage
1. Add new SP bar to the game UI
1. Mission War change
- 170 – 180 Mission War changes to 170 – 190
- Character armor and HP upgraded
- Legacy Guardian / Sage Ensign / War Gate Stats raised
- Force Tower Abilities raised
Dec 15th 2012 Patch notes
■ Fixes
1. Morning Star Part 28th - 31st could not be performed
2. Under certain situations, moving character caused client disconnection
3. Quest abandoning confirmation window displayed abnormally
4. Some quest items in DX Dungeon for Morning Star quests could not be obtained
■ Changes
1. Changes related to Morning Star quests
- Change the way to obtain the quest item for some monsters
- Quest items will drop at 100% chance (items from last Bosses)
- Part 14th : Panic Cave (Normal)
- Part 17th : Steamer Crazy (Normal)
- Part 20th : Catacomb Frost (Normal)
- Part 23rd : Lava Hellfire (Normal)
- Part 28th : Panic Cave (Premium)
- Part 29th : Steamer Crazy (Premium)
- Part 30th : Catacomb Frost (Premium)
- Part 31st : Lava Hellfire (Premium)
- Quest items will drop at 100% chance (items from last Bosses)
Dec 21st 2012 Patch notes
■ Fixes
1. Fixes for Appearance Change system
- The UI for the Appearance Change system displayed abnormally
- When trying to change the appearance of an equipped item the UI did not display
- Appearance Change result for Lycanus / Mithril crystals are abnormal
3. Trying to destroy the "Purify Epaulet" in Forgotten Temple B1F caused error in some situations
■ Changes
1. Changes related to Battle Mode 3
- Change the casting effect of Basic Skill A/B of Wizard BM3
- Some adjustments for the Basic Skills / Special Moves for all class for rebalancing the power
- Old : - 4 seconds / level
- Change : - 5.1 seconds / level
- The entrance item which is sold by NPC Grocer Libert in Green Despair is account binding
- Old entrance item will be changed to account binding too
- Remove the category for "Hatching Egg" in the Auction Hall
- If player registered it in the Auction Hall, the registration will be expired
1. Add the category for Upgrading Safeguards in the Auction Hall
- Upgrading-related items > Others > Upgrading Safeguards > Low/Medium/High/Highest
1. Mission War Lv.140 ~ 169 / Lv.170 ~ 180 adjustment
- Character armor and HP upgraded
- i) Lv.140 ~ 169
- Old: Def x 1.5 - HP x 5
- Change: Def x 1.75 - HP x 6
- ii) Lv.170 ~ 180
- Old: Def x 1.5 - HP x 5
- Change: Def x 2 - HP x 7
- i) Lv.140 ~ 169
- Legacy Guardian / Sage Ensign / War Gate Stats raised
- Force Tower Abilities raised
Dec 28th 2011 Patch notes
■ Fixes
1. Effect of some buff skills displayed abnormally
2. Soyoung's Laboratory quest could not be completed (the completion status displayed incorrectly)
■ Changes
1. Changes related to Battle Mode 3
- Allow gaining Skill Exp when using BM3 skills
- Change the location where BM3 material items are sold
- Old : Core Alchemist Yerte in Port Lux
- Change : Core Alchemist in starting villages
- Bloody Ice : Core Alchemist Keller
- Morning Star material items Low / Medium / High (WA)
- Morning Star material items Low / Medium / High (FS)
- Desert Scream : Core Alchemist Sullivan
- Morning Star material items Low / Medium / High (WI)
- Morning Star material items Low / Medium / High (BL)
- Green Despair : Core Alchemist Nodaka
- Morning Star material items Low / Medium / High (FA)
- Morning Star material items Low / Medium / High (FB)
- Grocer Shop in starting villages sells Trans Force I / II / III
- Bloody Ice : Core Alchemist Keller
- In the tooltip of Quest Capsule, the maximum level restriction added
- Added some Quest Capsules
■ Mission Wars
1. The HP of character while using Energy Elevation displayed incorrectly, bug is fixed
Jan 04th 2012 Patch notes
■ Fixes
1. Fixed the bug related to some quests (which are incorrectly named)
2. Fixed the bugged dialogs of some game systems
3. Fixed the bug that allow player to write the message in the Chat Box longer than the limit
4. Level of Battle Mode 3 skills in the skill window is displayed incorrectly
■ Changes
1. Changes the Item Appearance Change UI
- Changed some UI texts
- Apply : My Item
- External : External material item
- Added a check box into the UI
- The check box is for confirmation that player wanted to destroy the External material item
3. Changed the system message color related to Saints’ Force Excalibur
■ Mission Wars
1. Fixed bugs that caused client disconnection while trying to register quest in Mission War Lobby
* The Battle Mode 3 system is still under the revising progress to re-balance the power between characters.
Jan 11th 2012 Patch notes
---▶ Public Server Update
■ Fixes
1. Fix the bug that caused the wrong location of Quest Icon in GPS system
2. Characters with level 181 or more could not gain AXP, bug is fixed
■ Changes
1. The character level cap raised to 190
- When the character reaches 190, its experience will be set to 0% (old : will be set to 100%).
- However, after reaching 190, player can keep trying to acquired more EXP until 100%

3. Max level limit of Chaos Arena Lv.6 is adjusted to 190
4. Premium Wing / Blessing Bead EXP using restriction are raised to 190
5. Change the 180-level upgrade quest compensation
- 8,000,000 EXP will be compensated
- Achievement for reaching level 190
- "The Nevareth Frontier" Achievement can be obtained when the character reaches 190
- Adding and modifying some achievements
- Dungeon achievements
- Quest achievements
- Some bonus from achievements are changed
8. Some minor changes related to Quest Window
9. Change the item image of Killian Quest Item (for Crafting Killian's Ring)
10. Change text of some options in the Options Window
■ Additions
1. Add the "Prideus Bracelet"

- Item Property : "Drop not allowed" and "Character Binding"
- Armor Option Scroll > Sword / Magic Skill Amp.
- Weapon Option Scroll > Sword / Magic Skill Amp.
1. Mission War enter limitation
- Current 170 ~ 180 Mission War will be changed to 170 ~ 190
- Building time for towers is reduced
- Adjusts fee of building towers
- Changes related to Force Tower Attack
- Decrease Attack and Defense of Tower
- The maximum number of target has been changed to 5 characters
- Based on the size of the Tower (S/M/L) the attack varies
■ Changes
1. Battle Mode 3 changes
- Attack (attack / magic attack) and the Defense bonus from Battle Mode 3 triggering skill adjustment
- Warriors: Attack : base 320 / 30 per level
- Blader: Attack : base 300 / 30 per level
- Wizard: Attack : base 300 / 30 per level
- Force Archer: Attack : base 250 / 30 per level
- Force Shielder:
- Attack : base 250 / 30 per level
- Defense : base 100 / 70 per level
- Force Blader : Attack : base 250 / 30 per level

3. Battle Mode 3 changes for some classes
- Warrior : Skill A / B and Special Moves skill ranges are changed to 2
- Blader : Change Synergy Effect
- Toe:
- Old :
- Flee Rate -20% (Self)
- Critical Damage +30% (Self)
- Change:
- HP -500 (Self)
- Critical Damage +30% (Self)
- Old :
- Enhancing Fighting Spirit:
- Old:
- Critical Rate -5% (Opponent)
- Critical Rate -5% (Self)
- Critical Damage +20% (Self)
- Sword Skill Amp. +4% (Self)
- Change
- Critical Rate -5% (Opponent)
- Defense -5% (Self)
- Critical Damage +20% (Self)
- Sword Skill Amp. +4% (Self)
- Old:
- Toe:
- Force Archer / Force Shielder Synergy Effects will be last for 13 seconds (other character will be still 8 seconds)
Jan 18th 2012 Patch notes
■ Fixes
1. Fix the bug of tooltips of Angelo Rare / Epic
2. Fix the bug of locking system (for inventory / warehouse) that turned off the password for those system automatically when relog
3. Fix the bug of Saints’ Force Calibur system messages
4. Fix the bug of lv 20 – level up quest dungeon
■ Changes
1. Battle Mode 3 changes
- Attack (attack / magic attack) and the Defense bonus from Battle Mode 3 triggering skill adjustment
- Warriors: Attack : base 320 / 30 per level
- Blader: Attack : base 300 / 30 per level
- Wizard: Attack : base 300 / 30 per level
- Force Archer: Attack : base 250 / 30 per level
- Force Shielder:
- Attack : base 250 / 30 per level
- Defense : base 100 / 70 per level
- Force Blader : Attack : base 250 / 30 per level
3. Battle Mode 3 changes for some classes
- Blader : Change Synergy Effect
- Toe:
- Old :
- Flee Rate -20% (Self)
- Critical Damage +30% (Self)
- Change:
- HP -500 (Self)
- Critical Damage +30% (Self)
- Old :
- Enhancing Fighting Spirit:
- Old:
- Critical Rate -5% (Opponent)
- Critical Rate -5% (Self)
- Critical Damage +20% (Self)
- Sword Skill Amp. +4% (Self)
- Change
- Critical Rate -5% (Opponent)
- Defense -5% (Self)
- Critical Damage +20% (Self)
- Sword Skill Amp. +4% (Self)
- Old:
- Toe:
- Synergy Effects lasting time
- Warrior : 15 seconds
- Force Archer / Force Shielder : 13 seconds
- Wizard / Blader / Force Blade : 12 seconds
- Disable some skills in Battle Mode 3
- Bike / Board skills
- Remove old “Vital Gear (HP)”
- Change the name of “Vital Gear (SP)” to “Spirit Gear (Small)”
- Add new kinds of “Vital Gear”
- Vital Gear (Small)
- Recovery Amount : 4,000 HP
- Price : 10,000 Alz
- Sell back to NPC : 0 Alz
- Vital Gear (Medium)
- Recovery Amount : 6,000 HP
- Price : 15,000 Alz
- Sell back to NPC : 0 Alz
- Vital Gear (Small)
1. Add the Quest Capsules for Morning Star quest chain into the drop list of Premium DX Dungeons
- Target: All Premium DX Dungeons
- Drop Items: Morning Star Quest Capsules for Chapter 28 – 31 (tradable)
3. Add the Guild Rename Card
- The name of Guild can be reset for free (without paying Alz)
- Only the guild master can use this item
Feb 01 2012 Patch notes
■ Fixes
1. Cannot extract items continuously2. Achievement links produce abnormally output in some situations
3. Collapse the achievement information in Achievement Window caused the client disconnection
4. Item links in [Trade] channel disappear when player tried to retype the chat
5. Fixed bug for some AH categories (AXP / WEXP Beads)
6. Fixed bugs related to quest dungeons
7. Bugs related to guild changing name
■ Changes
1. Changed some quest scripts of quests in Tower of the Dead B1F2. Change the cash item UI (in NPC)
- Automatically set bulk-buying as default
- Added check-box to allow players accepting the Refill-Cash Policy beside the “Refill” button
- Show a message box to confirm after checking the box
3. Added some descriptions for quest capsules■ Additions
1. Added new Camera Option : “Bird’s view”
- Allow to rotate , change the up/down height, adjust angle
- Change “Bird’s view” to the default camera option
Credits: Cabal EU

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