Here are the Developer's Notes posted last May 12, 2009:
CABAL Online
“Soul & Siena”
[New Content]
1. Altar of Siena B1F (New Dungeon)
(1) Entry Requirement
- Character Level 135 or above, Battle Style Level of 11 or above
(2) Entry Item
- Siena’s Crest B1F
- Drops in the Lake Side and higher level maps
(3) Dungeon Location
- Mutant Forest (X: 123, Y: 97)
- The Warp Point will be available to the winning side of the Mission War.
2. Intro Quest to “Altar of Siena B1F”
(1) Quest from Strange Merchant
- Quest can be earned from Strange Merchant of Mutant Forest
3. “Soul Ability” System
(1) Soul Ability System is?
- Ability EXP known as AXP can be earned along with EXPs. AXPs is converted to AP, and these points can be used to learn passive skills.
- AXP is a sort of EXP that will support the game play to be more exciting as character levels up. Earning AXPs is same as earning of EXPs. If 10K EXPs were earned from the mobs then AXP can be gained around 10K. However, different from EXP, AXP has a different conversion rate by levels.
(2) AXP is?
- New Ability EXP that can be gained just as the EXP.
- Not that AXPs can be gained instead of EXPs, it is an additional point system that is gained separately with EXP or Skill EXP. However, there is a minimum level requirement for it.
A. Minimum AXP Earning Requirement: Level 120
- From the fields, dungeons, and Mission Wars.
A. AXP from fields and dungeons
Based by the calculation of EXP earning when attacking the mobs, AXP earnings are calculated.
AXP Bonus is also valid with Premium Services. (AXP Bonus 25%)
AXP Bonus with
Platinum Service
Blessing Bead - Plus
Earning AXP(EXP to AXP) conversion rate is different by levels.
Level Tiers Conversion Rate
120 or lower 0%
120 ~ 129 75%
130 ~ 139 80%
140 ~ 149 85%
150 ~ 159 90%
160 ~ 169 95%
170 100%
B. AXP by Mission Wars
It is calculated by personal scores.
(Destroying Structures, Guardians, Building Force Towers are not calculated separately to AXP for they are applied to the personal scores)
1 Personal Score equals to 100,000 AXP
(If personal score is 100, then you are earned with 10,000,000 AXPs or 1 AP.
It is calculated at the end of the Mission War. If character is not there at the time of the calculation, AXPs are not applied.
WExp cannot be used to earn AXPs nor it cannot be earned with the WExp to EXP conversion.
- AXP Limitation
A. AXP cannot be earned if character AP exceeds 500.
- Note that EXP is something that is gained from attacking mobs and which is used to calculate the level up point. The higher levels the characters get, the total amount of EXP to level up increases which makes harder for characters to level up.
AXP is something that is earned as same amount as EXP but its total amount of AXP for AP conversion stays the same, but the conversion rate from EXP to AXP or the rate that characters earn from attacking mobs changes as the levels gets higher.
(3) AP is?
- The point that is converted from AXP when a certain amount AXP accumulates. It is a unit that is required for Soul Ability System.
- AP Conversion Details
A. 10,000,000 AXP equals to 1 AP. AXP returns back to 0 when converted to AP.
- AP Limitation
A. Up to 500 AP can be accumulated. (Expansion of its limit is planned in the future)
- AP already consumed to learn skills cannot be returned.
(4) Essence Rune is?
- Items used to learn passive skills or upgrade skills using AP and upgrade items such as cores.
- There are total of 26 Runes available. You can only equip or learn maximum of 13 Essence Runes or skills.
- Essence Runes are tradable items and already equipped or learned Runes can be removed.(Once the Rune is removed, it has to be learned again from LV. 1)
A. Ability Types and AP costs
B. Essence Rune Equip Level and required Item
(5) Additional Information
1) Icon at the bottom of the screen and short cut key “U” added for Soul Ability System
2) Soul Ability UI window added
3) AXP Gauge Bar Added
4. SIGMetal Set / SIGMetal Epaulet
(1) Drop Place
- Altar of Siena B1F
(2) Requirement
A. Defensive Sets
B. Epaulet
5. Sub Password System
(1) Sub Password
- Safety measure for account theft
(2) Details
A. Sub Password Mechanics
When logged in with the same IP as before during the configured time frame, the password check will not appear.
Sub Password check will appear when logged in with different IP during configured time frame.
Checks Sub Password if configured time is passed regardless of login IP.
B. Sub Password Lock on
Character, Equipment slots, Warehouse
C. Sub Password Configuration
Create Sub Password button to create (set) password
If password is already set, the Create Password button will not be active (Gray colored, non-clickable)
Sub Password is to be combination of 4 numbers from 0 to 9. (Using same numbers are not possible)
Ex.) 1111, 0000 are not possible.
D. Sub Password Icon Location
Character: Character selection window
Warehouse/Equipment: “Lock” icon on the top right corner of the UI
E. Sub Password
When opening up a Sub Password UI, numbers from 0 to 9 are arranged randomly
Unable to input using keyboard when Sub Password UI is up
Input numbers will show as * (Asterisk Mark)
Clicking on ‘←’ button will act as like a back space
Message will show upon failure
Client is forced to end the session upon failure of 5 counts
Success of the correct password will reset the count. Every success input will reset the count
Failure counts will be accumulated until you get correct input even if you log out
G. Time Configuration
Character: 1 Hour to 3 Hours
Equipment / Warehouse: None
1. Auto Attack Short Cut Key
A. Key: CTRL + A or Shift + A
B. Option – Check/Cancel auto attack mode
2. Added holding juke box window option
A. Added check box in sound tab of juke box as juke box short cut icon is deleted
3. Added warp of “Altar of Siena B1F” for national mission war reward
4. Added event notice icon
A. Show below the new quest notice
5. Added notice message for item sold on agent shop
6. Added search grade for agent shop
1. Changed quest reward of ‘The Prisoner's Grudge’ in Frozen tower of undead B1F
A. Current: 6,000 Alz
B. Change: Honour point 100
2. Changed EXP reward for quests of from level 42 to 64
3. Changed reward of Helper’s T quest from Upgrade Core(High) to 500,000 Alz for level 81 and above
4. Increased drop rate of Message from Helper T
5. Changed calculation function for damage according to level difference with opponent in mission war/PK/PvP
- If the opponent has lower level, damage gained will decrease 1 ~ 20%
- If level difference is 20 and above, damage gained will be maximum 20% only
6. Changed calculation of minimum damage option
7. Decrease respawn time of monsters in Pontus Ferrum
8. Changed juke box icon to soul ability icon
9. Changed attack damage of Queen Calamity in Forbidden Island
10. Changed flee rate of Queen Calamity in Forbidden Island
A. Queen Calamity cancels the targeting and warp in short distance
11. Changed the name of legacy box to Legendary Box getting from killing final boss monster in Frozen Tower of Undead B1F and above
12. Changed applying weapon/character avatar according to its priority when character enters the world
A. In current, the weapon/character avatar that placed at first slot of inventory was applied to character. It is changed to apply higher priority weapon/character avatar according to its category
(Notice that helm avatar is exclusive in this rule)
13. Changed tips for extract icon tool of inventory
14. Changed registration period of item on agent shop
15. Changed registration quantity of item on agent shop
16. Changed system message for on going event
17. Changed war point spot of national mission war reward in Mutant Forest
18. Changed coordination of warp for moving world after fail/complete mission dungeon
19. Changed message font color to yellow for items on sale if there are other items which are not on sale
20. Removed system message for apply/cancel titles
1. Corrected error of showing wrong message for craft succeed in certain situation
2. Corrected error that was not able to register ‘Concentration(LV 2) potion’ on agent shop
3. Corrected error of combo miss when Force Archer is in multi shooter mode
4. Corrected error of abnormal bersert in Forbidden Island
5. Corrected error of showing wrong text message for dungeon complete in Forbidden Island
[Mission War]
1. Added item - Buff Capsule Cube
A. Gain items – ‘Hardness Capsule (LV 1)’ ~ ‘Hardness Capsule (LV 8)’ by mouse right clicking buff capsule
B. Item property: able to sell NPC shop / unable to do personal trade
2. Changed mission war reward according to level
A. Current
- Reward 1 Core Cube to each character which scored 30 and above by the end of mission war
- Reward Alz after calculating spend/earning and Core Cube
B. Change
- Reward 1 Buff Capsule Cube to each character which scored 30 and above by the end of mission war
(3) Reward 1 Buff Capsule Cube(Low) to level 52 ~ 94 characters
(4) Reward 1 Buff Capsule Cube(Medium) to level 95 ~ 149 characters
(5) Reward 1 Buff Capsule Cube(High) to level 150 ~ 170 characters
- Reward winning nation for war cost and winning share by Alz
The Altar of Siena B1F Dungeon Instance
Requirement: Level 135, Battle Style level 11 or above
Entry Item: Siena’s Crest B1F
Testing a new dungeon is always fun, at least for the very first couple of runs through it. This one has a starter location bang in the middle of the Entrita infestation. I really hope they have added a safe zone around the starting spot, otherwise getting your whole party there without any Death Penalties would be… interesting. It’s not a problem on ITS, but on the live server I suspect it might be a bit more challenging. The winning nation bonus will include a premium warp point to the entrance as well, which will save you a long, horrible walk to get there.
You see, we get no notes on exactly what is waiting in the dungeon. The first time we enter it’s completely blind, with no idea of what is coming. Of course, the testing team is quite experienced and we work together really well, but there is still that sense of anticipation and exploration as it starts.
The Soul Ability system
The Soul Ability will offer some interesting builds for characters above level 120. Soul Ability Experience (called Ability Experience, or AXP) can be earned by just killing mobs, or fighting in TG. The AXP you receive in TG will be calculated according to your personal score in there.
AXP will then be converted to Ability Points, and Ability Points can then be used to equip items that are called Essence Runes. Interestingly enough, while the notes on AXP and AP are quite extensive, the actual information of where to find Essence Runes is not included. No doubt we will find out – here are the notes on Essence Runes:
Essence Rune is?
• Items used to learn passive skills or upgrade skills using AP and upgrade items such as cores.
• There are total of 26 Runes available. You can only equip or learn maximum of 13 Essence Runes or skills.
• Essence Runes are tradable items and already equipped or learned Runes can be removed.(Once the Rune is removed, it has to be learned again from LV. 1)
Information such as droprate, or exactly how they are used on cores are still missing.
Here's a look into Altar of Siena B1F as attempted by a Korean Cabalist in the test server. Don't mind the cheesy background music:
CabalOnline Forum Developer's notes and
Cabal Online Forum Tester's notes for the details,
MMOSite for the video and
PM Jay of E-Games for the image.