AIKA Global has gone fully international as T3fun officially landed in North America on February 17, 2011. To jazz up the welcoming of the influx of the American crowd, AIKA Global organized a double EXP event scheduled for the month of February.
AIKA Global has been extended to the North American region due to extreme public demand. Formerly under IP restriction since AIKA Global’s release, North American gamers can now play and enjoy the game together with the rest of the world. AIKA Global, a game directly handled by its developer, pride itself with its smooth and hassle-free game play, world-class service and dynamic community composed of players all over the globe. Hundreds of NA gamers are expected to march into the game where the global gamers are waiting. It’s definitely a battle like never before!
Double EXP Event
Welcoming our upcoming friends in North America/Canada, AIKA Global will be organizing a Double experience modification event on the following dates:
February 17-18, 2011 - 00:00 - 23:59 EDT for levels 1 – 60 and
February 19-20, 2011 - 00:00 - 23:59 EDT for levels 1 - 70.
AIKA Global community welcomes all the North American gamers with a world class bang! Get ready to experience the global battle now! To know more, visit
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